6 Top Tips to Prepare for Winter and Save Money on Your Heating Bills

Photo Of A Simple Living Room in the winter

The winter is here once again, and it’s time to think about how you can keep warm during the winter while also saving money on your household expenses. During this time of the year, we all spend a lot more time indoors, so it’s important to stay safe and healthy at home. No matter what type of home you live in, it’s critical you take preventative measures to stop it from getting too cold. Today we’re going to share six of our top tips to help you stay safe at home this winter. You can use these to combat the rising heating costs across the country and ensure the winter is as comfortable as possible for your whole family.

1. Check for Cracks Around Your Home

One of the most common causes of cold drafts and rodents during the winter months is cracks that appear in your foundation and walls. If you have noticed either of these unpleasant issues, it’s time to resolve this issue to help you keep warm this winter. Take a slow walk around your home and identify any potential areas of concern that need resolving as soon as possible. For most cracks, we find that caulk will help to close up the issue. On top of that, we recommend that you check the seals on your windows and doors. This is another place where cool air seeps through and can cause your heating bills to rise unnecessarily just to try and combat this issue.

2. Use a Programmable Thermostat

If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat in your home, now is the time to make this upgrade. There are many benefits of this type of thermostat. You’ll find that it helps to regulate your home’s temperature, which will give you more control over your monthly bills. You can use this type of thermostat to set the temperature based on whether you will be at home or not during certain times. Your family will therefore feel warm and comfy when they are at home, but you won’t waste money on heating when you aren’t around. You’ll have full control over the temperature of your home, which is ideal if you plan to travel during the winter. This really is one of the best investments you’ll make for any type of home this year.

3. Book in for a Winter Service

Now is the time to book in for a systems check before it’s too late this winter. Our team will be happy to help you with any concerns you have, particularly if you are worried you have an older unit that has experienced issues in the past. We see so many homeowners leave calling our team until it’s too late and they are already at home freezing. It’s better to identify any current and potential issues before it’s too late so that you don’t need an emergency service on the coldest days of the year. Our top priority as a company is to keep you safe and warm this winter while also offering you excellent customer service. You can be sure we’ll do everything we can to resolve any issues you are experiencing and make your home a place you enjoy spending time with your family.

4. Change Your Furnace Filter

When your filter is dirty, it’s much harder for your system to work efficiently. This increases your monthly heating bills, which we’re all trying to avoid during these difficult times. On top of that, it can also cause issues for your HVAC system. For anyone in your family with allergies, you may find these are exasperated due to a dirty filter. Respiratory illnesses can also appear as a result of these, which we certainly want to avoid. Switching out your filter is a quick and inexpensive task, but we’ll be happy to help if needed.

5. Close Off Rooms Which Aren’t In Use

For families who live in larger properties, you likely have rooms that sit empty throughout the winter. To save money on your heating bills, close the doors to any rooms you don’t regularly use. You can also close off any vents in these rooms so that your heating isn’t wasted in these areas of the house. Of course, this tip generally applies to larger homes, but these are the properties we often see have enormous heating bills. Don’t let anywhere in your home get too cold though, as this could lead to further issues down the line. You don’t want your water pipes to freeze up and cause problems for your family during the time of the year we are at home the most.

6. Consider Upgrading to an Energy-Efficient HVAC System

While we all wish things in our homes could last forever, furnaces sadly don’t. When your furnace reaches about 10 to 15 years old, or you find it constantly needs repairs, it’s time to consider an upgrade. An energy-efficient HVAC system may seem like a big investment to begin with, but you’ll find that in the long run, it will save you a fortune. Our team will be happy to advise you on the best option for your home and put in place a system that will offer you significant long-term savings. After a few years, this investment will soon pay you back, and you’ll be wondering why you didn’t make it earlier.

Our team is here to support our clients throughout the winter months. Whether you need assistance with any of the areas we listed above or just require a service before the weather gets even worse, contact us today. We’ll be happy to help you in emergency situations as well, although of course, we recommend a service to prevent issues during the colder weather. The winter is a great time to spend time reconnecting at home with your family, but you’ll want to ensure you are all safe and protected in the Bellingham, WA areas with a cost-effective and fully-functioning heating system.

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