7 Reasons To Get Air Conditioning For Your Home In Bellingham, WA

Clean Air at home to perform an air conditioning service

7 Benefits of Air Conditioning In the Bellingham Area

Bellingham is located in the northwestern part of Washington State and is known for its temperate climate. When the summer heat hits, it can be quite oppressive. Most of the time, the high humidity makes it feel much hotter than it actually is. If you’re considering getting air conditioning for your home in Bellingham, WA, here are seven great reasons to do so!

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1. Relief From Summer Heat

Lawn Health

Okay, this is obvious, but staying cool in summer is the most basic and important benefit you bring to your home when you install an AC unit. The temperatures in this area can climb into the 80s and 90s during the summer months, making it quite uncomfortable to be inside without air conditioning. For those who are sensitive to heat or have health conditions that make it difficult to tolerate high temperatures, an air conditioner can be a lifesaver.

That’s not to say that you can’t enjoy the outdoors in the summer. However, it’s important to have a way to cool down when you come inside, and air conditioning can provide that. Heat stroke or heat exhaustion should not be taken lightly. If you or your kids spend summer days running around in high temperatures and high humidity, your bodies need a place to cool down and return to a healthy internal temperature. Without air conditioning in your home, you could be putting yourself and your loved ones at risk of serious danger.

2. Improved Air Quality

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you know how important it is to have good indoor air quality. Air conditioners can help to remove airborne irritants from the air, making it easier to breathe. No one wants to suffer from allergies or asthma attacks, and an AC unit in your home can reduce those risks dramatically.

Mayo Clinic has done studies confirming that AC units do, in fact, improve air quality and reduce humidity. It should be noted, of course, that regularly changing your AC unit’s filter is essential to improving air quality and general functionality of the unit. A good rule of thumb is to check the filter once a month and change it every 30-60 days, as needed. This will go a long way in improving the air quality of your home and provide the following benefits:

  • Reduced likelihood of asthma attacks
  • Reduced mold & mildew
  • Fewer pests (dust mites)
  • Lower humidity
  • Less pollen

3. Longer Life Of HVAC System

Two HVAC Systems Outside A Building worked on by an hvac company

AC units help extend the life of your home’s HVAC system. That’s because an air conditioner helps to remove excess humidity from the air. As mentioned above, running an air conditioner reduces mold and mildew in your HVAC system due to the cooler air being blown throughout the system. Less mold growing (or no mold, ideally) means less damage to your HVAC system and fewer repairs.

Of course, your AC must be running efficiently in order to help your HVAC system as a whole run more efficiently. Below are just a few tips on how to keep your AC unit working as efficiently as possible this summer:

  • Change air filters
  • Clear the drain line
  • Update system thermostat
  • Seal up leaky vents/ducts
  • Keep vents unobstructed

4. Increased Comfortability

Lady On A Laptop In A Beautiful Home

There’s no doubt about it, air conditioning can make your home more comfortable. If you have ever spent a hot, sticky day in a house that doesn’t have air conditioning, you know how miserable it can be. Air conditioning can also help reduce noise levels in your home. This is because the air conditioner will help to muffle sounds from outside, making your home more comfortable in more ways than one!

Here in Washington State, most homes do not have air conditioning. In fact, only about 44% of homes in the state have air conditioning. However, that number is increasing every year as more people are recognizing the benefits of having an air conditioner. While some people find our area’s temperatures comfortable enough to simply open a window on hot days, other people prefer a cooler home and the privacy of closed windows and doors. If you fall into the latter category, installing an AC unit is a no-brainer!

5. Savings On Energy Bills

Man And A Woman with a Mini Split on the Wall Above them

If you live in an area with hot summers, you know how much your energy bills can increase when you use your air conditioner. However, if you have an energy-efficient air conditioner, you can save money on your energy bills, and you might even be able to get a rebate from your utility company for having an energy-efficient air conditioner. That’s money in your pocket that you can use for other things.

The cost of air conditioning installation changes depending on the type of air conditioner you are installing and the size of your home. However, the average cost of air conditioning installation in Washington is between $6,000 and $10,000. This includes the cost of the unit and labor. However, if you have the money to spend and comfortability is a priority, the benefits can be well worth the cost.

  • REMEMBER! Though it may seem counterproductive, leaving your AC on all day is actually more economical than occasionally turning it on during the hottest days of summer. Keeping your home relatively cool all day means your AC does not have to work as hard to reach your desired temperature. When those temperatures rise, just set your thermostat where you want it and enjoy!

6. Increased Home Value

Mitsubishi mini split condenser on dark dirt

If you are thinking about selling your property, having an air conditioner can increase the value of your home. Buyers are willing to pay more for a home that has air conditioning for several reasons. There is the obvious benefit for potential buyers that a home with air conditioning will be more comfortable and increase their quality of living. What many people do not think about when selling a home is that some buyers are looking for convenience and an easy transition.

You may think that installing an AC unit before selling your home is just a waste of money, but it will undoubtedly increase the interest you can generate. Home buyers (especially those with extra money to spend) are often willing to pay more for a home with as many amenities as possible rather than having to deal with the hassle of installing and repairing appliances themselves. Installing an AC unit before selling a home can benefit you in the following ways:

  • The home is more comfortable for the buyer.
  • The buyer does not have to install an AC unit themselves.
  • Open houses and tours will leave a better impression.
  • New units make the home appear more updated and modern.
  • The risk of mold and mildew will greatly decrease.

7. Improved Sleep & Productivity

Mother and two Kids Laughing In Bed

Sleep issues can negatively affect your entire life, but studies have shown that lower temperatures actually improve the quality of your sleep. In a study conducted by the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, participants fell asleep quicker and reported a higher quality of sleep in temperatures between 60-67 degrees as opposed to participants who slept in temperatures around 75 degrees. These types of temperatures can be difficult to attain in the middle of summer without an AC unit cooling down your home.

Additionally, other studies have shown that cooler and more consistent temperatures increase productivity. Sweating and overheating can be a distracting nuisance if you have work to get done at home, and temperatures fluctuating up and down can be equally distracting. As the number of remote jobs increases across the county, it is becoming more important than ever to keep your home cool and comfortable so you can both work and relax comfortably.

Installing Air Conditioners In Washington State

Two Employees Working On Lennox Unit

There are many reasons to consider getting an air conditioner for your home in Bellingham, WA. The weather can get hot in the summer, and air conditioning can improve your indoor air quality and your quality of life! In the state of Washington, a license is required to install an AC unit. The type of license you need will depend on the type of air conditioner you are installing. For example, if you are installing a central air conditioner, you will need an HVAC contractor’s license. If you are installing a window air conditioner, you will need an electrical contractor’s license.

If you are in need of AC installation or maintenance services, please call Clean Air today! Our experienced professionals will be happy to help you get the most out of your air conditioning unit. And, we offer a variety of affordable services to choose from. Contact us today to learn more!

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