How To Extend The Life Of Your Furnace & Three Signs It May Be Time To Replace It

Employee On The Ground Repairing A Furnace Unit

Homeowners want everything in their houses to work properly, and the furnace is no exception. You may not see it, smell it, or hear it when it’s running, but when things start to go wrong with your furnace, you’ll know it. Taking care of your furnace helps you save money on costly repairs and prevent accidents. Like any other part of your home, your furnace can last a long time when properly maintained.

The primary purpose of your furnace is to provide warmth when temperatures outside drop, and you’ll feel how important the furnace is when it starts to fail. Apart from the cost to repair a furnace, you’ll also have to deal with how cold it can get when it isn’t working. Some furnaces last up to 30 years, but some last only 15 years or less. The lifespan highly depends on how you take care of it, so we wanted to share a few tips on how to extend the life of your furnace!

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1) Schedule Professional Seasonal Maintenance

Truck with A Clean Air Wrap In Front of A Home, Doors Open

Your HVAC technician can inspect and clean your furnace when the seasons change. They’ll also make adjustments when necessary to prevent problems from occurring. Furnaces work best when they receive regular maintenance, and the mentality of “fix it when it’s broken” could leave you and your family without heat in the dead of winter. Clogged lines or faulty belts could start as small problems, but the last thing you want to do is wait for those small problems to turn into big, costly repairs that will likely come at the worst possible time.

Getting your furnace inspected at least once every fall, before winter temperatures set in, is the best way to ensure that everything is running smoothly and ready to keep your home safe and warm. A follow-up inspection in spring would be an even better idea, as professional technicians could identify any problems that may have occurred in winter, when your furnace has been doing the most work for the year. Never wait if your furnace needs repairs!

2) Replace Air Filters Regularly

Air filter pulled out of the unit

It would be best to replace filters so air can flow freely when your furnace works. Not replacing filters when needed will reduce the efficiency of your furnace and allow dust and debris to enter, which can damage it when left unchecked. Many homeowners think they are saving money by waiting to change their air filters, but the truth is that they are only increasing the risk of costly repairs being needed on their furnaces, not to mention the fact that a dirty air filter means you are not getting the most out of the furnace.

The cheapest air filters (least dense) should be changed about once per month. The more expensive air filters (most dense) can be changed every 3-6 months, depending on the dirt and dust that accumulates from your home. Certain air filters can be washed and replaced, but this entails monitoring them just as closely as you would any other air filter. Check your air filter every month or so to be sure that it is still clean and working efficiently.

3) Keep Your House Clean

Modern Door With Glass

When your house is clean, it reduces the amount of dust and debris entering and clogging your furnace. It’s quite impossible to keep dust and debris out, but regular vacuuming and dusting help a lot. The area immediately surrounding your furnace is the most important area to keep clean and tidy, as the air around it is what will affect the air filter. Plus, keeping the area near your furnace clean will improve airflow and efficiency and reduce the risk of a fire. Below are just some of the most important tasks to perform when it comes to cleaning your house for your furnace:

  • Vacuum (especially near furnace)
  • Sweep and use a dustpan
  • Dust ceiling fans, shelves, etc.
  • Run ceiling fans counterclockwise
  • Don’t lean objects on furnace
  • Keep perimeter of furnace clear

4) Consider Installing A Programmable Thermostat

By installing a programmable thermostat, you can reduce the energy usage of your furnace when you don’t need it to be running. This allows temperatures to stay consistent when you are at work all day, on vacation, sleeping, or any other time when you may not need the furnace to be working at full throttle. People often forget to adjust their thermostats before they leave for the day, but a programmable thermostat can take care of that for you. As a result, you will see lower energy bills, and your furnace will last a much longer time before needing repairs due to reduced usage.

5) Maintain Temperatures

This one is simple. Don’t keep turning the temperature up when it gets a little chilly. The constant change of temperature can overwork your furnace and reduce its lifespan. Furnaces are designed to run smoothly at a constant pace. Much like your car engine, it’s the constant starting and stopping that actually puts the most amount of stress on it. Always make sure to maintain set temperatures when possible, and try to have at least 8-12 hours per day when the thermostat is set to the same temperature.

6) Clean & Seal Ductwork

duct cleaning

When your ducts are dusty and full of debris, it reduces airflow when your furnace runs. The more debris that gets caught up in the ducts, the harder your furnace has to work in order to get your home to the desired temperature. If your ducts or HVAC system were installed by a less competent technician, there may have been sawdust or drywall scrapings in there since they were installed. Getting your ducts cleaned will improve airflow and keep components like air filters and evaporator coils clean.

As you consider getting your ducts cleaned by a professional, do not forget to have them properly sealed! Studies have found that anywhere from 30%-40% of your HVAC system’s output is lost due to leaks and faulty ducts. Is there anything else you would pay for in your home knowing that you are only getting 60% of what it’s worth? Of course not, so be sure to get those ducts sealed up ASAP!

7) Insulate Your Attic

Insulating your attic can help reduce the use of your furnace when temperatures outside drop. It helps keep warm air in when it’s cold outside and reduces the need for your furnace when it’s not necessary. Heat rises to the highest level of your home, which is why it is so important to keep your attic insulated. Though every area of your house should have proper insulation, your home will retain the most heat by insulating that top level where the heat would otherwise escape. Your attic isn’t just some area in your home; when well taken care of, it can save you money when it comes to heating costs and conserve the energy exerted by your furnace.

8) Make Necessary Repairs Right Away

Lastly, if you notice any signs of trouble when using your furnace, contact a professional as soon as possible. If a technician comes out for routine maintenance and notifies you of a potential problem, always listen to their advice! Making repairs immediately after issues or warning signs are identified is the best way to preserve the life of your furnace. Don’t wait until it’s too late! Make necessary repairs when needed so you don’t have to settle for higher energy and repair bills.

Three Signs It’s Time For Furnace Replacement

When should you replace your furnace? You may find a label that states when your furnace was manufactured, so you can quickly know its age. However, lifespan also depends on usage and condition. Here are three signs to look out for to know when you should replace your furnace:

  • Between 15 & 30 Years Old: The rule of thumb when it comes to replacing furnaces is when they are between 15 to 30 years old. If your furnace is in this range and you also notice any of the signs below, it’s time to prepare for a replacement.
  • High Energy Bills: If you find yourself paying higher energy bills when using your furnace, it’s time to replace it. Your furnace should be working efficiently when it’s in good condition. You may settle for repairs, but a replacement is better when you find it too costly and when the furnace is aging.
  • Strange Noises & Stinking Odors: If you notice strange noises when your furnace runs, such as clunking or rattling sounds, it’s time to consider a replacement. Also, look out for strange odors when your furnace runs. These could be signs of a gas leak and should be checked immediately by a professional technician.

Call Clean Air To Clean Your Furnace!

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If you live in Bellingham, WA, then you know how your furnace can significantly help when the cold season comes. Your family deserves warmth at a reasonable cost. Clean Air Heating & Cooling keeps families comfortable year-round with professional HVAC services. We provide fully licensed and insured heating and cooling services to help with all your home needs.

Our team is friendly, professional, and certified, and we guarantee quality services that ensure your satisfaction. Your furnace needs care and regular maintenance like everything else in your home. Call Clean Air now and schedule a service!

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