What Are The Signs That My HVAC System Needs Repair?

Man Servicing An HVAC system

Your HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system plays a vital role in maintaining your home’s comfort and indoor air quality. Yet, like any complex machinery, it can develop problems over time. Recognizing the warning signs of HVAC issues is essential to prevent more extensive damage and costly repairs. This guide details 10 major warning signs that indicate your HVAC system may need professional attention.

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1. System Blows Warm Air

broken AC

Blowing warm air when you expect a cooling effect is a significant warning sign that your HVAC system may need immediate repair. This issue can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as a malfunctioning compressor, a refrigerant leak, or a clogged air filter. Ignoring this warning sign compromises your comfort and places additional strain on your HVAC system as it struggles to meet your cooling needs. Promptly addressing the problem through professional HVAC repair ensures that your system operates efficiently and keeps your indoor environment comfortable, regardless of the season.

Speaking of the seasons, winter is right around the corner, and your HVAC system/furnace needs to be able to blow hot air when temperatures drop. Warm air (as opposed to hot) being blown in the dead of winter can be dangerous if your home is not getting adequately heated. Below are just a few of the reasons that heat may not be coming out of your system:

  • Clogged filter 
  • Leaking heat pump
  • Leaky ductwork
  • Blocked registers 
  • Dirty or damaged flame sensor

2. Poor Airflow

Efficient airflow is a cornerstone of effective HVAC performance. Nothing is as frustrating in the heat of summer as turning down the thermostat but feeling little to no air coming out of the vents. If you’ve noticed weak or insufficient airflow, it’s a sign that something is impeding the system’s functionality. The most common causes of poor airflow are leaky ducts and faulty blowers. Having an HVAC specialist examine your ductwork is a quick process that often resolves airflow issues. 

3. High Energy Bills

thermostat money

Are your energy bills consistently higher than expected, even without any significant changes in your usage patterns? This financial warning sign often points to inefficiencies within your HVAC system. It could be due to aging components, dirty filters, or leaks, all of which force your HVAC system to work harder to maintain your desired indoor temperature. Addressing these problems not only saves you money but also extends the life of your HVAC unit.

  • Quick Tip! Check vents and windows. Vents can be partially closed without you realizing, and cracked windows let out conditioned air. Both factors cause HVAC systems to put out more energy in order to maintain your desired temperature.

4. Visible Leaks Or Moisture

leaking AC unit

Water pooling around your HVAC unit or visible leaks within the system are unmistakable signs that something is wrong with your system. Moisture issues can lead to damage within your HVAC system, causing corrosion and promoting mold growth. These issues are often the result of a clogged condenser unit or refrigerant leaks. Addressing moisture problems promptly is essential to prevent further damage.

5. Foul Odors

Unpleasant or strange odors emanating from your HVAC vents should never be ignored. These odors may indicate various problems within your system, and the smell is not likely to go away on its own. In some cases, the cause might even be a more serious issue, that could be a potential safety hazard. Timely investigation and intervention are essential for your family’s health and safety. Some of the most common causes of foul odors emanating from your HVAC system are as follows: 

  • Mold or mildew growing
  • Dirty air filter
  • Gas leaks 
  • Full and/or dirty drain pan
  • Dirty evaporator coil

6. Unusual Sounds

A well-functioning HVAC system operates quietly, so if you start hearing strange and unsettling noises, such as banging, rattling, screeching, or hissing, it’s time to pay attention. These unusual sounds often signal that something is amiss within your HVAC system. The source could be a worn-out blower motor, loose components, or debris obstructing the fans. Don’t dismiss these noises; they are usually early warning signs of impending issues that require professional evaluation. 

  • Don’t Worry! Though these sounds could result in costly repairs if they are ignored, the cause of strange noises in your HVAC system is often one of the easiest issues to diagnose and fix!

7. Short-Cycling & Thermostat Failures

setting thermostat

HVAC systems typically cycle on and off as they maintain your desired temperature. However, if your system is short-cycling (turning on and off more frequently than usual) it’s a cause for concern. This behavior may be due to thermostat problems, inadequate maintenance, blocked airflow, or improperly sized equipment. Short-cycling leads to reduced efficiency and places undue stress on your HVAC components, potentially shortening their lifespan.

If your thermostat is malfunctioning, your HVAC system will not know how to function properly. Thermostats are the control centers of all HVAC units. Something as simple as weak batteries can send unwanted signals to your HVAC unit, and electrical issues within the thermostat can also cause your system to run erratically. If changing the batteries does not help with unpredictable cycles, call an HVAC technician for a proper diagnosis.

8. Aged & Unmaintained Systems

Service Man fixing a Generac Unit

As your HVAC system ages, it becomes more susceptible to wear and tear. If your HVAC unit is over 10-15 years old, it may be time to consider replacement or significant upgrades. Older systems tend to lose efficiency, require more frequent repairs, and struggle to maintain your desired indoor climate. The age of your system is an even more significant factor if you have not kept up with regular maintenance throughout the years. 

The U.S. Energy Information Administration reports that only 42% of homeowners using “central air equipment” get annual maintenance. Investing in regular HVAC maintenance once per year can extend the life of your system and save you money in the long run!

9. Humid Air

While HVAC systems regulate temperature, they also play a crucial role in dehumidifying indoor air. When they fail to do so, it can result in a sticky, uncomfortable atmosphere. Humid air can be caused by various issues within your HVAC system, such as a malfunctioning compressor or inadequate refrigerant levels. If you notice persistent high humidity levels in your home, it’s advisable to seek professional HVAC repair to diagnose and rectify the underlying problem.

10. Increased Allergy Symptoms

duct cleaning

If you or your family members are experiencing more allergy or respiratory issues when indoors (including asthma attacks), your HVAC system might be the cause. When an HVAC system isn’t effectively filtering and purifying the air, allergens and pollutants can accumulate, leading to health problems. Regular maintenance tasks like filter replacement and duct cleaning are essential for maintaining indoor air quality. Change your air filter at least every 90 days for a quick and easy solution to dirty air.

For duct cleaning services and all other HVAC maintenance needs, the best option is to call a professional HVAC company like Clean Air Heating & Cooling! Our technicians have years of on-the-job training, giving them the experience necessary to resolve any issues you may experience. Call today at (360) 398-9400 for all your HVAC needs in the Bellingham, WA area!

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